About Barry Liesch

Barry Liesch, Ph.D, Professor of Music at Biola University (La Mirada, CA). Head of Music in Worship program. Keyboardist, Arranger, Author. Published author of People in the Presence of God (Zondervan) and The New Worship (Baker Books). Teaching responsibilities: Worship Foundations, Hymnology, Worship Seminar, Pop Theory I, II, Keyboard Improvisation. Albums/CDs: Contemporary Keyboards, Moments with You.

Several New Revisions

These revisions of lecture PowerPoints were posted on Sept 15, 2014; intended to  supplement the book, People in the Presence of God.

01g (key word) “Identical”

01j (key words) “Discontinuity” vs “Continuity”

03 (key word) “Patriarchs” and “Parents”

09b (keyword) “Sinai”

Use the search box to find these PowerPoints quickly.

O1i Understanding the Sabbath

A look at the sabbath, it’s meanings in the Old Testament, corrections in understanding by Jesus, and its relevance for families today and contemporary worship.  Does it apply to Israel only?  Is it of universal scope in application for all of humanity?  Saturday?  Sunday? Is the sabbath mainly for devotion to God or is it intended for us too?

33 slides. Downloadable PowerPoint with full formatting. See square icon.

Supplement for the book, People in the Presence of God.

Five OT Sacrifices Revised, Improved

10A Five OT Sacrifices

(Supplemental PowerPoint for People in the Presence of God)

Updated, Improved, August 4, 2014.  This version gets at the meanings of the 5 sacrifices more strongly, their echoes in the New Testament,  and possible applications for today.

For proper formatting, go to the search box (upper right corner), and write in Tabernacle: Five Sacrifices, or simply click on “download” (bottom left-hand corner).

New! 01E Holiness in OT/NT Worship

The words holy/holiness appear frequently in our Christian worship choruses/songs. But seldom is their biblical meaning ever explained or developed. The need for holiness is merely stated repeatedly. No content.

This PowerPoint seeks to reveal the ways holiness is used/applied in scripture. Wholeness is one of the primary meanings of holiness.

To download with proper formatting, see download sign is bottom-left corner. 69 frames.

Theory Books Revised July 2014

The following updated/revised files were uploaded on July 30. 2014.

The New Worship Theory Book, Volume 1:  1A Contents; 1B Understanding Chord Symbols; 2 Notation; 3  Nashville Number Charts; 4b 25 Tips for Good Chart Writing

The New Worship Theory Book, Volume 2: 13 Creating Hymn charts; 14 Finding the Right Key; 16 Progressions Down a Fifth.

The New Worship Theory Book, Volume 3: 31 Modulation I: Establishing the New Key; 32 Modulation II: Smoothing the Transition.

To find the files, go to the search box (upper right corner) and write in part or all of the title.

NEW! 1G Discontinuity vs Continuity

Revised, Sept 15, 2014

Why is the question “To what extent is the Old Testament discontinuous or continuous with the New Testament” so important for Christian worship?  Well, it affects how seriously we take OT worship.  It affects the extent to which OT practice might apply or be suggestive for worship now. Though the OT devotes more than 10 times the amount of space to worship than the NT, many evangelicals tend to “blow it off.”  Yet isn’t all scripture “profitable” (II Tim 3:16)?

This PowerPoint supplements People in the Presence of God. 55 frames.

To find the file, go to search box (upper right hand corner) and write in Discontinuity or simply click the download sign below on the lower left corner.

New! 1F Underlying OT Worship Theology Identical to NT?

Revised Sept 15, 2014. This is the PowerPoint I use for my first class in teaching Worship Foundations at Biola University. I try to deal with some of the negativity often associated with the Old Testament.

This PowerPoint argues that OT and NT worship is essentially identical in its underlying theology.  But you ask,”Isn’t OT worship primarily about sacrifices and external worship? How could they be identical?”

PowerPoint supplementing People in the Presence of God. 34 frames.

PowerPoint is available for “download” and for proper appearance and formatting. Click on square box, then “file.”

7A Ezra & the Synagogue PP Revised

This PowerPoint supplements People in the Presence of God. Updated Oct 21. 2013.

Ezra convenes scripture-reading event: reads 4 hours, praises 4 hours. Origin of synagogue unclear (perhaps Babylon). Synagogue worship: scroll ceremony, public-lectionary-scripture-reading, shema (creed-like), 18 benediction prayer, homily (short sermon).  Any qualified person could teach/preach.  Comparison of Synagogue to Protestant/Catholic service.  Importance of the Synagogue for Protestants. Creative ideas on public reading of  scripture. Hymn for paraphrasing the Apostle’s Creed